
It is possible to display a scoreboard during a match on a players screen. It looks like that:


You can use it to display team names, the remaining time, scores for each team and more. You can find all available placeholders here.

Configuring ingame

At this stage, you should be able to open the Settings page of your arena chat UI.

  1. Go to the Settings Page of your arena

  2. Open the Effects Page

  3. Open the Scoreboard Page

  1. Now continue by enabling or disabling the scoreboard by clicking toggle with your mouse.

  2. Customize the other available options to your own needs.


You can find all options explained at the bottom of this page.

Configuring in your arena_x.yml

At this stage, you should be able to find your arena save file. If not, please take a look at this page.

  1. Go to the Open the arena_x.yml of your arena

  2. Search for the following section:


  title: '&aBlockBall'
  enabled: true
  - ''
  - '&6Time: '
  - <time>
  - ''
  - '&m           &r'
  - '<redcolor><red>:'
  - '&l<redscore>'
  - ''
  - '<bluecolor><blue>:'
  - '&l<bluescore>'
  - '&m           &r'
  1. Now continue by enabling or disabling the scoreboard by changing the enabled value.

  2. Customize the other available options to your own needs.


  • Title: Title of the scoreboard. Supports all available placeholders.

  • Enabled: Enable or disable the scoreboard

  • Lines: You can add or remove lines and all lines support chatcolors and placeholders.