Developer API


Including the BlockBall API

BlockBall is using gradle as build system and is available in the central repository.


Maven - Bukkit



Gradle - Bukkit

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.github.shynixn.blockball:blockball-api:6.42.1'
    compileOnly 'com.github.shynixn.blockball:blockball-bukkit-api:6.42.1'


Jar Files - Bukkit

Registering the dependency


Bukkit - Add the following tag to your plugin.yml if you optionally want to use BlockBall.

softdepend: [BlockBall]


Bukkit - Add the following tag to your plugin.yml if your plugin requires BlockBall to work.

depend: [BlockBall]

Working with the BlockBall API


There are 4 simple steps to access the whole business logic of BlockBall.

  • Check out the package in the JavaDocs to find the part of the business logic you want to access.

  • Get the instance by using the following line.

YourBusinessService service = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.resolve(YourBusinessService.class);
  • If the service methods require additional data entities, check out the JavaDocs to find other services which provide these data entities or create new entities by checking out the package com.github.shynixn.blockball.api.persistence.entity.

YourPersistenceEntity entity = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.create(YourPersistenceEntity.class);
  • There are some samples below to get your started.


Ball - Bukkit - Spawning a ball.

Location location; // Any Location instance

BallMeta ballMeta = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.create(BallMeta.class);
BallEntityService ballEntityService = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.resolve(BallEntityService.class);

BallProxy ballProxy = ballEntityService.spawnTemporaryBall(location, ballMeta);


Game - Bukkit - Accessing games.

GameService gameService = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.resolve(GameService.class);
GameActionService<Game> gameActionService = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.resolve(GameActionService.class);

Player player; // Any player instance
List<Game> games = gameService.getAllGames();
Optional<Game> targetGame = gameService.getGameFromName("1");

if (targetGame.isPresent()) {
    Game game = targetGame.get();
    gameActionService.joinGame(game, player)


Arena - Bukkit - Accessing arenas.

final PersistenceArenaService persistenceArenaService = BlockBallApi.INSTANCE.resolve(PersistenceArenaService.class);
final CompletableFuture<Void> completableFuture = persistenceArenaService.refresh(); // Do you want to refresh the arenas from the files?

completableFuture.thenAccept(aVoid -> {
    // Once the arenas are refreshed you can always access them directly.
    List<Arena> arenas = persistenceArenaService.getArenas();

Listen to Events

There are many BlockBall events in order to listen to actions. Please take a look into the JavaDocs for all events.


SpawnEvent - Bukkit - Listening to the spawn event.

public void onBallSpawnEvent(BallSpawnEvent event) {
    BallProxy ball = event.getBall();

    // Do Something