
It is always a good game design to reward your players for certain action. So does BlockBall support this and you can give your players certain rewards for the following actions.

  • Winning a match

  • Participating in a match

  • Shooting a goal

  • Loosing a match

Configuring ingame

There are 2 available ways how to reward your players. Via money or by using commands.

At this stage, you should be able to open the Settings page of your arena chat UI.

  1. Go to the Settings Page of your arena

  2. Open the Rewards Page

  1. Let’s start by adding a money reward for your players. Make sure you are using an economy plugin on your server which supports Vault and of course installed the plugin Vault.

  2. Press on select and choose an action to bind the reward to. For example the action named winning match belongs to the winning team.

  1. In this example each player of the winning team receives 5 potatos on win. (this is the plural name of the currency used on this server). You can also see that the connection with Vault is working when your currency name displays correctly.

  1. Now let’s continue with adding a command reward for our players. You can also use this option to execute commands on your server when this action appears. It does not have to be a reward at all.

  2. Press on select and choose an action to bind the reward to. For example the action named winning match belongs to the winning team.

  1. In this example the server console executes the command /say Hello World with console permissions when any team wins the match

Command Modes

There are 3 different ways to execute your commands.

  • CONSOLE_SINGLE: The console executes a single command when the action appears. There are no permission problems.

  • COMMAND_PER_PLAYER: The console executes a command for each player and replaces the placeholder <player> with the name of each player. There are no permission problems.

  • PER_PLAYER: Each player automatically executes the command. The player has to have got the permission to the command.

You can set the command to none to disable it.

Configuring in your arena_x.yml

At this stage, you should be able to find your arena save file. If not, please take a look at this page.

  1. Go to the Open the arena_x.yml of your arena

  2. Search for the following section:


    WIN_MATCH: 5
      mode: CONSOLE_SINGLE
      command: '/say Hello World'
      mode: PER_PLAYER
      command: 'none'
      command: 'none'
      mode: CONSOLE_SINGLE
      command: 'none'
  1. Customize all available options to your own needs.