
interface StructureLoader : StructureLoaderAbstract<Location, Vector, Block, Entity, World>

Bukkit Wrapper for StructureLoader.


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abstract fun at(location: L): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Sets the target Location corner where the blocks start to get placed.
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abstract fun getIntegrity(): Float
Gets the target integrity.
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abstract fun getLocation(): L
Gets the target Location.
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abstract fun getMirrorType(): StructureMirror
Gets the target mirror type.
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abstract fun getRotationType(): StructureRotation
Gets the target rotation type.
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abstract fun getSeed(): Long
Gets the target seed.
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abstract fun includeBlocks(enabled: Boolean): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Should blocks which may or may not be included in the saved file be included in the loaded structure.
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abstract fun includeEntities(enabled: Boolean): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Should entities which may or may not be included in the saved file be included in the loaded structure.
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abstract fun integrity(integrity: Float): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Sets the target integrity.
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abstract fun isIncludeBlocksEnabled(): Boolean
Should blocks which may or may not be included in the saved file be included in the loaded structure.
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abstract fun isIncludeEntitiesEnabled(): Boolean
Should entities which may or may not be included in the saved file be included in the loaded structure.
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abstract fun loadFromFile(source: File): ProgressToken<Void>
Loads the structure blocks and entities from the given source and places the blocks at the defined position.
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abstract fun loadFromInputStream(source: InputStream): ProgressToken<Void>
Loads the structure blocks and entities from the given source and places the blocks at the defined position.
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abstract fun loadFromPath(source: Path): ProgressToken<Void>
Loads the structure blocks and entities from the given source and places the blocks at the defined position.
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abstract fun loadFromSaver(source: StructureSaverAbstract<L, V>): ProgressToken<Void>
Loads the structure blocks and entities from the given source and places the blocks at the defined position.
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abstract fun loadFromString(source: String): ProgressToken<Void>
Loads the structure blocks and entities from the given source and places the blocks at the defined position.
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abstract fun loadFromWorld(worldName: String, author: String, name: String): ProgressToken<Void>
Loads the structure blocks and entities from the structure storage inside each world folder of Minecraft and places the blocks at the defined position.
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abstract fun mirror(mirror: StructureMirror): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Sets the target mirror type.
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abstract fun onProcessBlock(onStructurePlace: (StructurePlacePart<B, W>) -> Boolean): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Attaches a new function to the structure processor which is called for each block being placed in the world.
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abstract fun onProcessEntity(onStructurePlace: (StructureEntity<E, L>) -> Boolean): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Attaches a new function to the structure processor which is called for each entity being placed in the world.
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abstract fun rotation(rotation: StructureRotation): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Sets the target rotation type.
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abstract fun seed(seed: Long): StructureLoaderAbstract<L, V, B, E, W>
Sets the target seed.