
abstract class SuspendingCommandElement(pluginContainer: <ERROR CLASS>, text: <ERROR CLASS>)


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abstract suspend fun complete(src: <ERROR CLASS>, args: <ERROR CLASS>, context: <ERROR CLASS>): List<String?>?

Fetch completions for command arguments.

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open fun getKey(): <ERROR CLASS>?

Return the key to be used for this object.

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open fun getUntranslatedKey(): String?

Return the plain key, to be used when looking up this command element in a CommandContext. If the key is a TranslatableText, this is the translation's id. Otherwise, this is the result of Text.toPlain.

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open fun getUsage(src: <ERROR CLASS>): <ERROR CLASS>?

Return a usage message for this specific argument.

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open fun parse(source: <ERROR CLASS>, args: <ERROR CLASS>, context: <ERROR CLASS>)

Attempt to extract a value for this element from the given arguments and put it in the given context. This method normally delegates to .parseValue for getting the values. This method is expected to have no side-effects for the source, meaning that executing it will not change the state of the CommandSource in any way.

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fun toCommandElement(): <ERROR CLASS>

Converts this SuspendingCommandElement to a Sponge-Api compatible CommandElement.