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Giving Pets to Players

Once you have setup the permission, join your server. The PetBlocks default configuration creates a pet with template classic for you and makes it spawn in front of you. If you cannot see the pet, try executing /petblocks call pet or review your permissions again.

The next step is to decide, how you want your players to receive a pet. There are multiple options below.

Receiving a pet on first join


Make sure you have given your players the minimum required permissions before you continue.

This is enabled per default and can be changed in the config.yml under pet/receivePetsOnJoin. This creates a new database entry for each joining player, regardless if he has the spawn permission or not. If you want to receive no pets on join and unlock pets later own (e.g. for shops or VIP perks), change this to:

  receivePetsOnJoin: []

If you want to receive multiple pets (PetBlocks-Premium only) on first join. Append other pets below it. They have to have different names.

    - name: "pet1"
      template: "classic"
    - name: "pet2"
      template: "classic"      

In order to configure, if the pet should automatically spawn in front of the player on creation, open the template plugins/PetBlocks/pets/pet_classic.yml. Set pet/spawned to true or false.

Receiving pets using a shop

There are many ways how you can handle it. These are just examples below:

Option 1 - Just selling skins for your pet (easy)

  1. Build a shop GUI
  2. Keep the receive pet on join settings, the player should receive a pet everytime.
  3. Invent a new permission for each pet you would like to sell like petblocks.pettype.<yourpettype> e.g. petblocks.pettype.pikachu.
  4. Once a player buys the item in your shop, give them your newly invented permission e.g. petblocks.pettype.pikachu
  5. Show an item in your GUI to change the skin to pikachu only, if the player has got the newly invented permission e.g. petblocks.pettype.pikachu
  6. Execute the command with server level permission:
/petblocks skinbase64 pet eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTdlYmNlZjQ2ODNjZGI3MTYzZTk2OWU0ZTIyNjlmMzY3M2E1ZDVlNmI3OGUwNmZhZWU0NWJjZjdjNDljMzk3In19fQ== %petblocks_owner_name%

Option 2 - State handling of pets (hard)

  1. Build a shop GUI
  2. Disable receive pet on join like shown above
  3. Invent a new permission for each pet you would like to sell like petblocks.pettype.<yourpettype> e.g. petblocks.pettype.pikachu.
  4. Once a player buys the item in your shop, give them your new invented permission e.g. petblocks.pettype.pikachu
  5. Build a pet management GUI
  6. Create a new item which is only visible if the player has obtained the e.g. petblocks.pettype.pikachu permission.
  7. When the player clicks on that item, execute the following command with server level permission:
/petblocks create <petName> <templateName> %petblocks_owner_name%

Executing the create command multiple times is fine, it does not do anything if the pet already exists.

Option 3 - Free creation/deletion of pets for players (easy)

  1. Give your players the permission to the following
  1. Disable receive pet on join like shown above
  2. Build a shop GUI
  3. Once a player buys the item in your shop, give them the permission to the petblocks template e.g.
  4. Let the player freely execute /petblocks create <petName> classic and /petblocks delete <petName> . You can also setup this in a GUI.