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Selectable particle effects

This is a tutorial to get into building selectable parts for pets. It can also be used to define selectable sounds, potion effects, etc.

1. Edit the pet template

Add a basic vanilla particle command as action to one of the loops. In this case the idle loop.

  • Instead of absolute coordinates we use the pet coordinate placeholders.
  • The placeholder %petblocks_js_mypart_selected% is a custom placeholder defined by you, which stores the currently selected particle. You can also name it %petblocks_js_mysound_selected% to store sound names for example.
  • The condition checks if the placeholder can actually be resolved e.g. a particle has been set.
      - name: "Play particle effect"
          type: STRING_NOT_CONTAINS
          left: "%petblocks_js_mypart_selected%"
          right: "petblocks_js_mypart_selected"
        type: "COMMAND"
        level: "SERVER"
          - "/particle %petblocks_js_mypart_selected% %petblocks_pet_locationX% %petblocks_pet_locationY% %petblocks_pet_locationZ%"       

2. Adjust vanilla command settings

A vanilla command may automatically log to the console and to the chat of every op player. You can disable the output for op players using vanilla game rules such as gamerule sendCommandFeedback false, /gamerule logAdminCommands false, /gamerule commandBlockOutput false. If you want to hide the output in your console, you need to install a LogFilter plugin.

3. Check if it works ingame

Execute the following commands and take a look if the pet displays heart particles.

/petblocks reload
/petblocks variable pet mypart heart

4. GUI buttons

Open the GUI of petblocks or your favourite GUI plugin and add a button where the command /petblocks variable pet mypart heart %petblocks_owner_name% is executed with server level permissions. You can add more particles by creating new buttons with new commands e.g. /petblocks variable pet mypart angry_villager %petblocks_owner_name%