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PetBlocks comes with a powerful embedded GUI plugin, which supports Minecraft 1.8.9 - Latest.

The default PetBlocks GUI can be opened with the command /petblock. Make sure you have all the required permissions for all GUI pages.

Creating your own GUI

The easiest way to get started is by editing the existing PetBlocks GUI and observing the changes.

The workflow is like that:

  • Learn about all the available properties from the /PetBlocks/gui/simple_sample_menu.yml file.
  • Edit one of the gui yaml files in the /PetBlocks/gui folder.
  • Execute /petblocks reload.
  • Open the GUI with /petblocksgui open <name>

Starting from Scratch

  1. Copy the simple_sample_menu.yml and rename it to my_first_menu.yml.
  2. Open the my_first_menu.yml in an editor like VSCode or NotePad++
  3. At the top of the file change the unique identifier of the GUI to
name: "my_first_menu"
  1. Join your server and execute the following command. This command should always be executed after you have made changes in your .yml files.
/petblocks reload
  1. Execute the following command to open your GUI.
/petblocksgui open my_first_menu
  1. The GUI should now open for you. If it does not, check your console log for yaml file parsing errors. Correct your my_first_menu.yml or start over by deleting it.

Attaching a custom command to your menu

  1. Let's assume you want to open the GUI with the command /mycoolgui.
  2. Edit the command section in your my_first_menu.yml to your needs.
command: "mycoolgui"

Customizing the GUI menu

  1. There are many different ways to customize the GUI. Like displaying the items, executing certain commands and hiding/showing items on certain conditions.
  2. Please take a look into the simple_sample_menu.yml file again. Each available options is explained with a short comments.
  3. If the comment mentiones Required. You need to set this property. If it says Optional you do not need to set it.
  4. As an easy test, locate the minecraft:gold_block in your my_first_menu.yml and replace it with minecraft:diamond_block. After you gave done that simply execute /petblocks reload again and open the GUI /mycoolgui.