Package-level declarations
Facade of a coroutine session of a single extension or entire server.
Hidden internal MCCoroutine interface.
Additional configurations for MCCoroutine and communication.
A Minestom event which is called when an exception is raised in one of the coroutines managed by MCCoroutine. Cancelling this exception causes the error to not get logged and offers to possibility for custom logging.
See for more details.
Gets the extension async dispatcher.
Gets the server async dispatcher.
Gets the configuration instance of MCCoroutine.
Gets the extension minecraft dispatcher.
Gets the server minecraft dispatcher.
Converts the number to ticks for being used together with delay(..). E.g. delay(1.ticks). Minecraft ticks 20 times per second, which means a tick appears every 50 milliseconds. However, delay() does not directly work with the MineStomScheduler and needs millisecond manipulation to work as expected. Therefore, 1 tick does not equal 50 milliseconds when using this method standalone and only sums up to 50 milliseconds if you use it together with delay.
Adds a new suspendable listener to this event node.
Resolves the object (e.g. Entity) hidden inside the Acquirable object without blocking. Acquirable are resolved immediately if already reserved for the current thread or resolved on a different thread and the function is executed on it. You should only read/write the currently resolved object in the callback parameter. Do not do anything like accessing fields or methods, do that outside of the callback parameter. If you want to edit multiple Acquirable objects at once, put it into a collection e.g. List, Set, etc. and use Collection#asyncSuspend.
Resolves the objects (e.g. Entities) hidden inside the Acquirable object without blocking. Acquirable are resolved immediately if already reserved for the current thread or resolved on a different thread and the function is executed on it. You should only read/write the currently resolved object in the callback parameter. Do not do anything like accessing fields or methods, do that outside of the callback parameter.
Launches a new coroutine on the minecraft main thread without blocking the current thread and returns a reference to the coroutine as a Job. The coroutine is cancelled when the resulting job is Job.cancel.
Sets the default {@link CommandExecutor}.
Adds a new suspendable handler to this builder.